On Friday I handed in the 51 page marketing plan I'd been working on since September. It was a group project with 5 others, so you can only image the headache I had to endure to make sure it was done (& done right). That night some girlfriends and I went out for some drinks and eats to celebrate the end of the semester, and the fact that I FINALLY have a camera again!
The whole idea of the outfit was that I wanted to wear a lace corset underneath this sheer cream & black blouse, but it proved to be a little too scandelous! So I opted for a simple black cami and tucked both into my lovely high waisted capris from London. I also wore my new earrings from Wal-Mart...yes, Wal-Mart! You just never know where you'll find a cute piece of jewellery!
This is my stylish friend Brandi. She tucked a black tunic into an FCUK dress (that she made into a skirt) with a vintage blazer over top. I think it looked great, especially the pop of colour in the skirt!
not going to lie, but sometimes you can find the best accessories at wallmart. good purchase and if anyone asks where you got them tell em its vintage. haha
not going to lie, but sometimes you can find the best accessories at wallmart. good purchase and if anyone asks where you got them tell em its vintage. haha
I love it :) SO cute